Symbiosia's vision is ambitious.
But, every big tree started once with just a seed ...

At Symbiosia we do not only believe in biodiverse nature, but also in people's diversity.
People from different walks of life, with varied ages, dreams, hopes and abilities.
Creating a symbiosis between uniqueness, but in common:
a smile, joy, a Zest for life, feeling safe and happy.

Symbiosia is a destination for all. 
That's why you can support it, the way that best suits you.

Irrespective of who you are, Symbiosia is the future, your future ...

Mindfulness at Symbiosia

Bringing Symbiosia to realisation takes tenacity, enthusiasm and a good dose of 'breathing through difficult moments'.  Join one of our inspirational Mindfulness mini-retreats

Share the one wish

Or ... perhaps even make it come true. 
Symbiosia is currently looking for funding to develop the model further. Though we are grateful to those who are happy to share their skills pro-bono, we have come to a stage where we need to buy in some skills. 
Please contact if you are able to help.

Play the Symbiosia lottery

We are raising money to afford a feasibility study and some of the basic running cost. Every week there will be guaranteed a Symbiosia winner.
Together we will nurture people and nature

Shop to Support

Buy ethical and sustainable products with a discount whilst supporting Symbiosia at the same time!
Symbiosia Community Interest Company is a Social Enterprise. Its financial mission is to to offer affordable care by being self sustainable, but there is a long road ahead to get there. Your donation will be used to help bring the first Symbiosia place to realisation.

